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  • 執筆者の写真Mikan Yoshiyama

python collage code/By. ChatGPT



# Re-import necessary libraries

from PIL import Image

# Redefine the image paths after reset

img1_path = '/pass/xxx.png'

img2_path = '/pass/xxx2.png'

img3_path = '/pass/xxx3.png'

img4_path = '/pass/xxx4.png'

img5_path = '/pass/xxx5.png'

# Open the images

img1 =

img2 =

img3 =

img4 =

img5 =

# Define the size of the canvas based on the image dimensions, including margins between images

# Calculate the maximum height and width among all images

max_width = max(img.width for img in [img1, img2, img3, img4, img5])

max_height = max(img.height for img in [img1, img2, img3, img4, img5])

# Define margins

margin = 10  # 10 pixel margin

# Calculate the total canvas size including margins

canvas_width = (max_width 3) + (margin 4)

canvas_height = (max_height 2) + (margin 3)

# Create a new blank white canvas

collage ='RGB', (canvas_width, canvas_height), 'white')

# Define positions for images to avoid overlap and include margins

# Positions are calculated to center the images within each designated grid space

positions = [

    (margin, margin),  # Image 1 (top left)

    (max_width + (margin * 2), margin),  # Image 2 (top center)

    ((max_width 2) + (margin 3), margin),  # Image 3 (top right)

    (margin, max_height + (margin * 2)),  # Image 4 (bottom left)

    (max_width + (margin 2), max_height + (margin 2)),  # Image 5 (bottom center)

    # The bottom right position will remain empty since we have only 5 images


# Resize images to fit the grid and maintain aspect ratio

for img, pos in zip([img1, img2, img3, img4, img5], positions):

    # Maintain the aspect ratio

    aspect_ratio = img.width / img.height

    new_width = max_width

    new_height = round(new_width / aspect_ratio)

    # If height after resizing is more than max, resize based on height

    if new_height > max_height:

        new_height = max_height

        new_width = round(new_height * aspect_ratio)

    # Resize the image

    resized_img = img.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

    # Calculate exact position to center the image in the grid space

    exact_x = pos[0] + (max_width - new_width) // 2

    exact_y = pos[1] + (max_height - new_height) // 2

    # Paste the image onto the canvas

    collage.paste(resized_img, (exact_x, exact_y))

# Save the final collage

collage_path = '/pass/xxx_re.png'






# Re-import necessary libraries

from PIL import Image

# Redefine the image paths after reset

img1_path = '/pass/xxx01.png'

img2_path = '/pass/xxx02.png'

img3_path = '/pass/xxx03.png'

img4_path = '/pass/xxx04.png'

img5_path = '/pass/xxx05.png'

# Open the images

img1 =

img2 =

img3 =

img4 =

img5 =

# The images will be arranged vertically, so we need to determine the width of the widest image

max_width = max(img.width for img in [img1, img2, img3, img4, img5])

# Define margins

margin = 10 # 10 pixel margin

# Calculate the total height with margins

total_height = sum(img.height for img in [img1, img2, img3, img4, img5]) + (margin * 6)

# Create a new blank white canvas

collage_vertical ='RGB', (max_width + (2 * margin), total_height), 'white')

# Initialize the y position for pasting images

current_height = margin

# Function to resize image to fit the width

def resize_to_width(image, base_width):

w_percent = (base_width / float(image.size[0]))

h_size = int((float(image.size[1]) * float(w_percent)))

return image.resize((base_width, h_size), Image.ANTIALIAS)

# Resize images to fit the width and paste them with minimal margins

for img in [img1, img2, img3, img4, img5]:

resized_img = resize_to_width(img, max_width)

collage_vertical.paste(resized_img, (margin, current_height))

current_height += resized_img.height + margin

# Save the final vertical collage

collage_vertical_path = '/pass/xxx_re01.png'




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